BONUS! Track

UPDATED 2/26/2025

All breakouts subject to change without notice.

INSTRUMENTAL: Putting It All Together

CORY KNOWLAND | Peoples Church | Salem, OR

So, you have the band scheduled, you have the songs picked, you have a vision for the service and everyone is there and ready to rehearse. Now what? How do you take this team and the song selection to a well-rehearsed and powerful presentation of music, and facilitate worship moments that can change lives? We’ll walk through a rehearsal of familiar worship songs and see them develop into a congregational worship experience.

LEADERSHIP: The Blank Page

CINDY KENNY | New Hope Christian College |Eugene, OR

Each service you plan is a unique opportunity for transformational moments for your people, but it starts with a blank page. In this breakout, we will talk about the why’s behind using creativity in our service planning and practical strategies for incorporating creative arts into services in such a way that lives will be impacted for eternity.

SOUL CARE: Preventing Burnout in Ministry: Self Care and Beyond!

STEPHANIE HUSK | Be Still & Grow Counseling | Keizer, OR

This session focuses on the warning signs of burnout as well as practical steps to prevent it. Learn about the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of stress that contribute to burnout and ministry fatigue.

TECH: This is How We Do It

CHRIS VOIGT | Dayspring Fellowship | Keizer, OR

ANDY BERTZ | Dayspring Fellowship | Keizer, OR

Sometimes it helps to see it in person. In this breakout, we'll take a deeper dive into how Dayspring designed and implemented our livestreaming process, what equipment we use, and why we do what we do…all on a shoestring budget…with a guided tour through it all.

VOCAL: Stewarding Your Gift: Vocal Care

DORCAS BROWN SMITH | Life Change Church | Portland, OR

Offering your best to the Lord in worship on Sunday, means caring for the instrument He gave you! Learn new vocal warm-ups and techniques, as well as ways to care for your voice even when dealing with conditions like vocal nodules.