
UPDATED 1/30/2025

All breakouts subject to change without notice.

ACOUSTIC: Fun Fretboard Tactics for Guitar

DAVID HARSH | GuitarSuccess4U | Marysville, WA

Claim your fretboard in fresh, new ways using fun memory devices and multi-colored visual charts to help you mentally own your instrument. We'll discover the five sweet gift boxes, the three remarkable rows, and show you how to "ACE" your fretboard with octaves.

ACOUSTIC: Adding Color to Your Guitar Chords

DAVID HARSH | GuitarSuccess4U | Marysville, WA

As a rhythm guitar player, sometimes it's nice to break out of standard formulas and add beauty to your accompaniments for worship; whether you're strumming or fingerpicking. Let's add color to the chords you know and enhance your toolkit as you enjoy your guitar in a new way.

ACOUSTIC: Beyond Playing Guitar

DAVID HARSH | GuitarSuccess4U | Marysville, WA

Let's go deeper! In this class, we'll take about 10 ways to transition smoothly between songs in worship, the delicate art of strumming and speaking simultaneously, health and posture as guitarists, and six ways to use your guitar to communicate effectively with your band without saying a word.

KEYS: Teaching Keys - A Simpler Approach to Playing Chords

DAN BULLIS | NW School of Worship | Salem, OR

Reduce the learning curve to three chords per key, and your volunteers may have a much simpler on-ramp to playing chord charts - without root position triads!

KEYS: Using Chord Voicings For Emotional Impact

AARON DOERR | Rolling Hills Community Church | Tualatin, OR

Whether it’s in a song or a time of prayer, using different chord voicings that aren’t typical triads can have a powerful impact on the emotional connection our church has. Learn how to have a bigger impact with fewer notes. We may also have time for some fun chord substitutions as well! There will be opportunities for participants to play and try things out.

KEYS: Number System Intro for Keys

AARON DOERR | Rolling Hills Community Church | Tualatin, OR

Want to improve your ability to memorize and internalize music? Want to become musically fluid within songs and moments? Do you wish your chord chart management was simpler? The Number System can help make all of these possible. Aaron will provide an accessible introduction and launchpoint for you to use Number Charts as a keyboard player, and also provide suggestions on how to roll this out to your whole team.

DYNAMIC DUOS: Keys & Electric Guitar

AARON DOERR | Rolling Hills Community Church | Tualatin, OR

CORY KNOWLAND | Peoples Church | Salem, OR

Cory Knowland and Aaron Doerr show how to use technique, tone, and musical cooperation to maximize the strengths of these complementary instruments without stepping on each toes. Learn how to share leads, make room for the other, and bring out the best in your EG or Keys teammate. This is a hands on class, that may involve opportunities to play!

ELECTRIC: Electric Guitar in Worship

CORY KNOWLAND | Peoples Church | Salem, OR

The electric guitar has so many possibilities and sounds from chords and rhythms to leads, hooks and solos. In this breakout, Cory, an experienced lead worshiper and musician will cover skill development, techniques used in contemporary worship, and highlight popular guitar tones, sounds and FX. Bring your guitar, your FX and your questions.

ELECTRIC: Electric Guitar in Worship

CORY KNOWLAND | Peoples Church | Salem, OR

This breakout session will focus on rhythm guitar technique, approach and skills to implement and dvelop when playing Rhythm and second electric.

BASS: Learning Your Fretboard

MATTHEW MUNOZ | Calvary Chapel | Beaverton, OR

This breakout will include a look at basic scales and an overview of finding notes on your fretboard and how to get there.

BASS: Preparing for Sunday

MATTHEW MUNOZ | Calvary Chapel | Beaverton, OR

This breakout will cover how to listen to, engage with and prepare for Sunday setlists.

DRUMS: Simplified Worship Music for Drums

BOB KNODEL | Peoples Church | Salem, OR

Today's modern worship music typically follows currents trends so many of the songs played in a worship set have similar structures.  Creating simplified patterns for tom work, 6/8 & 4/4 structures can streamline the process for quickly learning worship sets. the more streamlined your process, the more you can focus on why your are there in the first lead people into worship!

DRUMS: Drum Technique: More Important Than You Think!

BOB KNODEL | Peoples Church | Salem, OR

Have you ever noticed how a seasoned drummer can make a technical piece of music look easy? That is because they figured out that letting proper technique work for them makes the entire process from start to finish into a muscle memory process rather than a thought process.  Good technique frees up your mind to concentrate more on how you mix with the other members of the rhythm section.  In this session we will learn a few simple exercises that could move your drumming technique to the next level!

DYNAMIC DUOS: Bass & Drums

BOB KNODEL | Peoples Church | Salem, OR

MATTHEW MUNOZ | Calvary Chapel | Beaverton, OR

In many of today’s more contemporary worship music expressions, the heartbeat of the music, the foundation and the groove are established with the drummer and bassist. If they play well together and in time, you have the basics to a really good sounding piece of music. If the drums and bass are off, either with each other or with tempo in general, the results can be very distracting. Hang with Bob and Matthew as they demonstrate this bass guitar/drummer relationship.